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Rares - pricecheck 3.0

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Rares - pricecheck 3.0

Note: Last and final update of prices as of 12.05.2024. The project is closed.

This pricelist includes items that you can loot from bosses and other miscellanous rares.  Please note that the source is mostly Antica's market statistics. Prices on other servers may vary, but Antica is undoubtedly the biggest market for rare items. Please don't take these prices too serious and don't use them as official pattern, as market statistics can be easily faked. Anyway, it should give you a general idea about the value of rares.


↑  - price increased since the last article update

↓  - price decreased since the last article update

↑↑ - price increased greatly since the last article update

↓↓ - price decreased greatly since the last article update

← - price more or less hasn't changed since the last update




I will update all of the prices every 4 weeks approximately.

Also, new items will be added accordingly.

hello! what about bear doll and ball gown?



I focused on items dropped by bosses for now. Anyway, I'm gathering statistics about other rares, also those you've mentioned.

I'm going to add them next weekend or so.

Maybe add things that cannot be put on market for an example Masterpiece of a Gozzler

I updated all prices which have changed, tc price and added ~18 new items.

Sick list!


Thanks for putting inn the effort of makin this!

I'm glad that you appreciate our work skulleysyk.

I updated all prices again and added 19 new items: feru quest items, chayenne's key, dwarven helmet, elemental spikes, mage's cap. If next to the items is "no data available" comment, then it means that I'm gathering data, as there are no statistics on the market. These items will be updated as soon as I get stats.

I've also noticed a major dropdown of the prices (like 90% cases of rares worth less than 50kk). Is that an upcoming BattleEye tool influence? Quite interesting I would say.

More and more items on the list, it took me over 3 hours to update it today. ???? See you next time.

Quote from Williams on 3 April 2017, 20:49

I'm glad that you appreciate our work skulleysyk. ???? I updated all prices again and added 19 new items: feru quest items, chayenne's key, dwarven helmet, elemental spikes, mage's cap. If next to the items is "no data available" comment, then it means that I'm gathering data, as there are no statistics on the market. These items will be updated as soon as I get stats. I've also noticed a major dropdown of the prices (like 90% cases of rares worth less than 50kk). Is that an upcoming BattleEye tool influence? Quite interesting I would say. More and more items on the list, it took me over 3 hours to update it today. ???? See you next time.

Great list indeed, you will have lots of work updating once Battleye finally kicks in!

Good job!

Cheers, Tobby

holy scarab?!



7.5-10kk on Antica/14.5kk on Astera. It will be added to the list with some other items on the next update.

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