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My result of the last 45 days

My name is Paulo, and I've always enjoyed rares and bosses.
At the moment, I play on the Serdebra server on my EK Rhada Manthyss, and some makers.

Late last year, mid December 10th, a friend introduced me to tibiabosses.

I read Xizzy's post only once and it was enough to subscribe to tibiabosses and start my hunt.

Right at the beginning of the journey, I met some boss hunters from the server, who also competed in the hunt.

The first 15 days were hard.

To be able to be in more places and in less time, not spending my main's stamina, I ended up buying some makers. Over time, these hunters were checking less, due to my presence almost full time day and night.

But enough with the small talk, let's get to the point, THE RESULT until the 02/02/2022.

I'll start with the vampire bosses, my favorites:

There were a total of 17 bosses.
17 Tokens.

First Arachir

2 Ocyakao.
No relevant loot.


2 Sherlogs.
No relevant loot... for now.

Second Sherlog

1 Ferfang.
No loot.


2 Dharillion
1 Cornucopia.


2 Man in the cave.
No loot.

1 Orc, from Orc Forters.
1 old BP.

2 Zushuka.
1 Ice Culottes.

Seccond Zushuka

22 Mad Mages

No loot.

Mad Mage

I hope this encourages other boss hunters (except on my server lol) and moves the community. The objective now is to be able to drop the "Glass of Goo", "Trapped Lighting" and "Eye from the storm". I hope to bring you news soon. If you like the post, comment what motivated you to dedicate time to this journey!

Sincerely, Piske.

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My name is Paulo, and I've always enjoyed rares and bosses.
At the moment, I play on the Serdebra server on my EK Rhada Manthyss, and some makers.

Late last year, mid December 10th, a friend introduced me to tibiabosses.

I read Xizzy's post only once and it was enough to subscribe to tibiabosses and start my hunt.

Right at the beginning of the journey, I met some boss hunters from the server, who also competed in the hunt.

The first 15 days were hard.

To be able to be in more places and in less time, not spending my main's stamina, I ended up buying some makers. Over time, these hunters were checking less, due to my presence almost full time day and night. geometry dash lite

But enough with the small talk, let's get to the point, THE RESULT until the 02/02/2022.

I'll start with the vampire bosses, my favorites:

There were a total of 17 bosses.
17 Tokens.

Sounds amazing. I also start with the vampire bosses.