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Rules for selecting the yearly winner and collecting the rewards (The Great Boss Hunt Contest 2022)

1. On what basis is the yearly winner selected and by whom (Cipsoft, Fansite Admins)? Is the winner chosen from the winners of each month? It is worth adding this information to the rules of the competition.

2. Can I use premium time on tibiabosses (won in the competition) later or do I have to activate it immediately? Is there a deadline?

3. Is it possible to receive a month / year award to a different  character (world) than the winning character?

  1. What is taken into consideration when selecting screenshots is listed in the contest rules. I invite you to read it.

Screenshot of the year is selected from the winning screenshots of each month by the team, fansite board admins, and CMs (probably Rejana and Mirade).

2. It is not possible to use premium screenshots from the competition at any other time. For the sake of order, please submit your entries in the indicated topic. Moreover, in the case of the monthly prize - a lack of request within the specified time will result in sending a random rune (point 17 of the rules).

3. Of course, it is the winner who decides which char the monthly prize should be sent to by providing information on the dedicated topic. In the case of the annual prize, it is necessary to contact Mad Def - the main admin of the website.