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Tavara Ferumbras bugged.

Was already killed on the server during late December/early January.

Are you sure? Cannot find any trace of it on Cipsoft stats.

I was looking for it in different statistics and also - no results.

It's possible that Ferumbras appeared on Tavara in a short time after server has started and simply nobody killed it (because of low levels) and nobody was killed by boss. That's why it is invisible. Similar situation was on Belobra at 31.12.2016, which has started activity with Tavara, but with small difference - 3 players died on Ferumbras and because of this deaths it is visible in statistics.

What I want to say is that boss must be killed or kill player to appear on statistics. So nothing is bugged here. Of course we can add it manually, but we need to know exact date of boss appearance. "Late December/early January" is unfortunately not enough.

Sure, but you might want to hear it anyway. Maybe you could add "Side notes" to bosses like that, that people report. For example adding 'Supposedly spawned during late december 2016. Boss was not killed, or any player killed by it. Therefor our estimation might be off. Nothing confirmed.'

Wouldn't  hurt

Quote from Winston on 23 February 2017, 02:37

Was already killed on the server during late December/early January.

its same example by  the panther o crustacea if is tamed the kill count is "bugged" but the boss spawn, if nobody enter to ferumbras room and die or kill him, the kill static cant show the boss              my inglish is bad xd


En español

Eso aplica el ejemplo de la crustacea o la pantera, si nadie la mata solo la doman nunca aparece en las kills static, ese server es reciente y al nadie entrar al boss room nadie murio o lo mato entonces nuca aparecera las muertes de la kill estan para ser de cosas que murieron o mataron no solo aparecieron,