The Great Boss Hunt [WEEKLY RESULTS]
Quote from Makadamia on 8 November 2022, 18:05This week's winners are: Dipthrah by Lady Shinaa (Thyria), and Raging Mage by Legendary Mood (Peloria).
This week's winners are: Dipthrah by Lady Shinaa (Thyria), and Raging Mage by Legendary Mood (Peloria).
Quote from Makadamia on 15 November 2022, 04:32This week's winners are: Weakened Shlorg by Davizin Profitando (Serdebra), and Zaraburstor by Old Esgliks (Menera)!
This week's winners are: Weakened Shlorg by Davizin Profitando (Serdebra), and Zaraburstor by Old Esgliks (Menera)!
Quote from Makadamia on 20 November 2022, 17:41This week's winners are: Dracola by Eddison (Vunira) and Dire Penguins by Skum Rayon (Luminera)!
This week's winners are: Dracola by Eddison (Vunira) and Dire Penguins by Skum Rayon (Luminera)!
Quote from Makadamia on 28 November 2022, 10:23This week's winners are: Orshabaal by Rabzon (Harmonia) and Lord of The Elements by Sibon Faur (Vunira)!
This week's winners are: Orshabaal by Rabzon (Harmonia) and Lord of The Elements by Sibon Faur (Vunira)!
Quote from Makadamia on 6 December 2022, 09:55This week's winners are: Mahatheb by Madai (Vunira), and Ocyakao by To ninho (Karna).
This week's winners are: Mahatheb by Madai (Vunira), and Ocyakao by To ninho (Karna).
Quote from Makadamia on 11 December 2022, 04:04This week's winners are: Ferumbras by Sir All Migth (Marbera) , and Lord of the Elements by Sibon Faur (Vunira)!
This week's winners are: Ferumbras by Sir All Migth (Marbera) , and Lord of the Elements by Sibon Faur (Vunira)!
Quote from Makadamia on 20 December 2022, 12:09This week's winners are: Countess Sorrow by Royal Raczkoo (Thyria) and Ferumbras Mortal Shell by Traxxez (Calmera)!
This week's winners are: Countess Sorrow by Royal Raczkoo (Thyria) and Ferumbras Mortal Shell by Traxxez (Calmera)!
Quote from Makadamia on 28 December 2022, 21:23This week's winners are: Zushuka by Tomek Ek (Harmonia), and Orshabaal by Billy (Havera)!
This week's winners are: Zushuka by Tomek Ek (Harmonia), and Orshabaal by Billy (Havera)!
Quote from Makadamia on 5 January 2023, 00:43This week's winners are: The Abomination by Tonfiu Pall (Nefera), and Countess Sorrow by Yztok Leads (Luminera).
This week's winners are: The Abomination by Tonfiu Pall (Nefera), and Countess Sorrow by Yztok Leads (Luminera).
Quote from Makadamia on 12 January 2023, 02:38This week's winners are: Mad Mage by Old Esgliks (Menera), and Countess Sorrow by Paula Ines (Gladera)!
This week's winners are: Mad Mage by Old Esgliks (Menera), and Countess Sorrow by Paula Ines (Gladera)!